Gaspe Elementary School

Gaspe Elementary School is a vibrant and dynamic elementary school located in the heart of Gaspe. We pride ourselves in our commitment to fostering a safe and engaging learning environment where students have opportunities to develop academically, socially and emotionally. Since 2020 much emphasis has been placed on youth mental health. We understand the significant role that educators play in helping children learn to understand their emotions, build resilience, and develop strategies to manage frustrations or setbacks. Consequently, all teachers at all grade levels incorporate lessons aimed to help students navigate their “big emotions” and find themselves more available for learning. Our academic program is based on establishing high quality instruction that also emphasizes the importance of early intervention and timely targeted support for all students. One of our ongoing objectives is to continue to deliver two high quality French programs (regular and enriched) that focus on both spoken and written French. We promote and encourage the bilingualism and ease at which a large percentage of our students move seamlessly between the languages. Furthermore, we provide a wealth of opportunities so that every child can find ways to foster their own talents and cultivate their own passion whether it be within sports, the arts, science & technology or social responsibility. We also provide our students outdoor learning opportunities to ensure that they develop respect, appreciation and commitment to the conservation of our natural environment and planet. The citizenship and behaviours expected of all students, staff and parents are grounded in community and family values, which we call our “Anchors of Success” (respect, responsibility, trustworthiness, pride and caring). By instilling these principles, through modeling and practice, we will help to nurture compassionate, conscientious and responsible citizens. We believe that the school, home and community have a shared team responsibility to provide students with the best possible foundation for their future, and we live by our motto, every child deserves a home run.

Our Team

Beryl Boyle
Staff Assistant:
Marquita Roberts
Leanne Limoges

234, Mgr LeBlanc
Gaspé (QC) G4X 1S4